Sunday 24 June 2012

798 Yìshùqū (Art Zone) 798艺术区

I love visiting the 798 Arts District in Dashanzi, one of the cooler areas in Beijing. Equally fascinating to the art on show is the setting. This artists' enclave lies within a sixty year old decommissioned military factory compound the walls of which remain in tact. The Bauhaus style factories were originally commissioned, designed and built by the PRC in the 50's in a joint venture with East Berlin. The purpose was to manufacture electrical components which were largely imported at the time from Germany. 

Today, the 640,000 square space contains artists' studios, galleries, design company headquarters, bookshops, cafes, bars, boutiques and random art and sculptures in the streets.  

A photo of the area in the 50s (
And today...

Maoist slogans still visible on the walls
Posing with old machinery

photo shoot

Ullens Centre for Contemporary Art (UCCA)
Song Kun: A Thousand Kisses Deep Exhibition

My client's brand (Penfolds, TWE) making an appearance on an umbrella stand 
Timezone 8 Sushi Bar

Until next time, zai jian xx

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