Wednesday 4 July 2012

Day 5, 4 3, 2....

There are several ways (other than farewell dinners to say goodbye in Beijing... extended lunches with my colleagues at our favourite haunts by the office, a meal in a Hutong where you first met, dinner at arguably the best dumpling restaurant in Beijing (Bao Yuan, Mai Zi Dian Jie) followed by karaoke*, or buying faux Loubitons at Yashow Market before a happy hour cocktail in Bar st, Sanlitun and a rickshaw ride...

First I said goodbye to my Mandarin teacher, Paula...I hope she enjoys the Australian wine I bought her as a thank-you in traditional Chinese fashion to bring gifts from your home.

Dinner @ Dali Courtyard in Xiaojingchang Hutong.  Tschuss Madchen! xx  
Seven course degustation Yunnanese meal...yum!
*You never know what an evening in Beijing is going to offer you, such as last Wednesday night joining a contingent of Israelis for dinner and karaoke...including an Israeli film director/writer here to promote his film, “Footnote,” which recently won an award at Cannes and was nominated for an Oscar for best foreign film earlier this year.
Dror (left), Amalia (Yossef's daughter), Yaara, Yossef Cedar, and Arik, Yossef's agent

Last night with Ketty. Au revoir guapa! xx
Beijing turned on the weather during my last week....heard it's pretty chilly at home arghh!

Until next time, zai jian! xx

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