Sunday 1 July 2012

Beijing is where it's at.

I’m beginning to understand why most expats I’ve met only ever intended on being here for twelve months or less but have stayed put for years. Living in Beijing (as opposed to Shanghai or Hong Kong) is not easy, what with the traffic, pollution and language barrier; however something (other than purely business) is keeping them here. Perhaps it’s the fact that there is something always going on, indeed epitomised by my final weekend in Beijing: a mid week dinner date with my friend from Paris, Chabad for Shabbat on Friday night, the Great Aircraft Carrier Party held on a decommissioned Russian  carrier a few hours out of Beijing in Tianjin on Saturday, a farewell dinner on Sunday with the many faces I have met over the last three months, and all the weird and wonderful street sightings in between....

Indian market

@ Villa Luga with Ketty, from Paris

@ Elements

Chabad, Lido

Shabbat dinner
Great Aircraft Carrier Party, Tianjiin
Just a 1.5 hr bus ride...or 4 including pit stops!

Roni, Adina
Welcome to China, please provide passport and visa details!

That's a decommissioned Russian aircraft carrier ...

showing off my best photo victory pose in my friend's military vest in keeping with the theme of the night
Farewell dinner at Pure Lotus

complimentary 'iced' china
and flowers...
@ Migas rooftop

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