Tuesday 15 May 2012

Two Burds in Beijing!

Last week my sister took a detour during her work buying trip and visited me in Beijing. Our itinerary was full and the days were long as I schleped my sister across the city which I have now called home for the past month and a half. It seems that in her four day here, she progressed through the same set of reactions towards this ancient and unique city which I myself have experienced over the past six weeks. 

Her first impression was that based on Sanlitun, the uber modern out of place shopping village, which I have described in previous posts, home to Balenciaga, Balmain, Miu Miu etc. She was somewhat disheartened when I dragged her out of Sanlitun Rd and out into the Hutongs and highways to see the real Beijing. With this came a slight disgust at the priority given to cars over pedestrains when crossing the road (she was almost run over several times), the dust and the street vendors serving BBQ'd intestines and other unidentifiable delicacies. 

Of course, by the time we trekked our way to the Great Wall and back (as well as many of Beijing's other majestic sites), fried up our very own Chinese creations at a cooking class, scoured the quirky boutiques of 3.3 shopping mall which offers the latest in cutting edge local Chinese designs, and caught a glimpse of the local art scene at 798, she had come full circle !

I was sad to see her leave but will look fondly upon the memories captured below of having Two Burds in Beijing. Enjoy!

*click on any photo to bring up a slideshow

Beautiful Hotel!

Dinner @ Madame Zhu

Forbidden City

Dinner with Tam & Dave @ Temple

Street snacks
Summer Palace

En route to Commune at the Great Wall

Camels going for a schuptz by the Great Wall

Mesh Bar at the Opposite House
Delicious Japanese @ the 12 seater Yotsuba

Liulichang Antique Street

What to do when there are no cabs....borrow the hotel Maserati for free!

Black Sesame Cooking Class in a Hutong

Home made Bai Jiao; our creations

Nan Luogou Alley
NanLuogu Alley

Lama Temple - lighting incense for good luck! 
Dinner @ Duck de Chine

798 Arts District....yep!

Pea flavoured ice cream anyone?

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